A dynamic community nurturing career advancement and a strong sense of belonging for Vietnamese tech enthusiasts


Our Focus

At ITPA, we take pride in organizing a variety of events and programs aimed at assisting Vietnamese IT professionals in multiple facets:

1. Social Connections: We create platforms where professionals can forge meaningful friendships and expand their social circles.

2. Career Development: Through our initiatives, participants gain valuable insights into Australian career and business best practices.

3. Professional Networking: Our networking opportunities provide a conducive environment for IT professionals to connect with peers and industry experts, facilitating collaboration and potential career opportunities.

ITPA Meetup in Adelaide

Latest Events

ITPA hosts a variety of events year-round. 

Our quarterly offline gatherings encourage members to connect in person, fostering engaging conversations. Meanwhile, our online career events facilitate networking and learning opportunities for members across boundaries. Whether it’s casual meetups or career-focused webinars, ITPA offers enriching experiences for all members.

Government Career Insights

Government Career: Insights from Junior to Senior Professionals & Manager

27 July 2024
2:00 PM
  - 4:00 PM
Làm việc trong chính phủ Úc là 1 công việc trong mơ đối với rất nhiều bạn theo đuổi 1 sự nghiệp cân bằng, work life balance. Công việc thường là không quá áp lực như khối tư nhân, lại ổn định và chắc chắn, với thu nhập ở mức cạnh tranh. Có gần 2.5 triệu công việc trong lĩnh vực công ở nước Úc. Rất nhiều những dự án đầu tư lớn xung quanh A.I, Data Science lại đến từ chính các nhu cầu c...


Our members always look for opportunities to work with people that they can have a strong sense of connection and confident that they can develop careers together in the company

Back-End Developer

Test Corp Pty Ltd

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Are you ready to take your IT career to new heights? Look no further! Join our vibrant IT professional community and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities.

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